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online Resources
Why Hire a Doula?
The Evidence for Doulas
The Essential Ingredient: Doula
Doulas and Epidurals
What makes a birth with a doula so different?
Newborn Care
The Evidence for Vitamin K
The Evidence for Erythromycin Eye Ointment
Newborn Sleeping Patterns
Formula Feeding
Newborn Development
Leaps - The Wonder Weeks
Growth Spurts
Purple Crying
Postpartum Nutrition
Postpartum rest and recovery (from a mama who learned the hard way)
Lying In- Why You Should Do It
5 Types of Postpartum Visitors and How to Make the Most of Their Visits
Postpartum Depression
Sexuality After Childbirth
Sitz Bath: How to Prepare for Ultimate Healing
NYTimes: If Only Everyone Had a Postpartum Doula
Books, Podcasts, & Websites
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
The Birth Partner
Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Newborn
The Birth Hour
Birth Monopoly
Evidence Based Birth®
Science and Sensibility
Natural Breastfeeding Video
La Leche League - Breastfeeding Info
LactMed: Prescriptions & Breastfeeding Compatibility Database
Birthful Podcast: All About Pumping!, with Nancy Mohrbacher
Breastfeeding After Reduction (BFAR) Facebook Group
Exclusively Pumping Mamas Facebook Group
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